About us - Livingston Parish Chamber
Simply put a chamber of commerce is a business association organized to represent the business community of a geographic area, in our case, Livingston Parish and each of its communities.
What does the Chamber do?
Most of what the chamber does can be summarized in one of these categories. Each of these represents a significant purpose and opportunity that we bring to business and their representatives. We will take you through each of the categories.
- Improve and strengthen business
- Offer connections and valuable networks
- Advocate for business and bring their point of view
- Provide unique exposure for business and professionals
- Provide a platform for solving business problems
- Leadership
- Provide Business & Professional Development
- Community
The Chamber take our role of advocacy and projecting a positive business and community image serious.
The Chamber
The Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce was and is formed to represent business and improve the overall quality of life in Livingston Parish. Chambers are associations which represent a specific geographic area, in our case, that includes Livingston Parish and each of municipalities and communities within the parish. The Chamber's role is to engage and strengthen business. Strong businesses equal strong communities. When business thrives, it is able to play its role of employing our citizens and engaging in important community issues.
The Chamber's Mission
is to serve business, enhance community and advance the economy in Livingston Parish.
Vision - Image
The vision of the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce is to be recognized for our unique and invaluable role of helping businesses and our communities thrive.
- Strong, collective voice for business.
- Desirable communities and quality of life.
- Strategic plans and results
- Member representation and advocacy
- Leaders who value all business
- Partnerships for the common good
- Leading advocate for business.
- Develop leaders
- Promote the parish with a positive spirit.
2018 | 2015 | 2013 Louisiana STATE CHAMBER of the YEAR!
Livingston Parish's largest and longest standing business organization
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Chamber office location: 248 Veterans Blvd. Denham Springs, LA