Disaster Recovery for Business
View the link above for helpful information we've gathered through out the process. Includes current updates and full list of news on Business Recovery including:
- Debris Permits and Pick Up
- Grants for Private Non-Profits
- Tax Relief for Flood Victims - IRS Website Here
- Bank Solutions to Finance Needs
- SBA Disaster Loan Program Information - SBA Website for Disaster Loans Here
- LA Small Biz Rebirth Grants - LA Small Biz Rebirth Website Here
Funding Options
Business Physical Disaster Loans

SBA provides low-interest, long-term loans for physical and economic damage caused by a declared disaster.
Any business or organization located in a declared disaster area and that incurred damage during the disaster may apply for a loan to help replace or restore damaged property.
LA Small Business Rebirth Grant

The Louisiana Small Business Rebirth Fund provides a “hand up” to impacted businesses through triage loans to provide quick relief. Second Round of Applications are due September 16, 2016. All Small Businesses are encouraged to apply.
Recovery & Advocacy
Restore Louisiana Task Force
The Restore Louisiana Task Force is creating federally-funded grant/loan program to small businesses to promote long-term recovery. The latest figures indicate more than $3 billion in economic losses to businesses and agriculture in Louisiana as a result of the flood. As you know, Congress approved an initial $400 million in relief for Louisiana in September and has since approved an additional $1.2 billion. Based on the initial allocation, roughly $12 million so far is proposed by the Task Force to help mostly small businesses. There are three components of the plan: a loan/grant program for non-construction related expenses; technical assistance; and bridge loans backed by the state.
Currently zero interest loan applications with a 20% forgivable portion are being accepted. Criteria for the loan / grant program can be found at the Restore Louisiana Task Force website. View the links below for additional resources:
Business Recovery - BACK 2 BIZ Initiative Sponsor