Livingston Parish Litter Initiative

Love Lp - Hate Litter? Ready to do your part? Livingston Parish, let's work together for a #LitterFreeLP
Litter is a problem for everyone. Communities around the country are working to combat the negative effects of litter, like we are here in Livingston Parish. It is unsightly and hard for many of us to understand why anyone would think its okay. For an area like ours, the problem runs deeper than the appearance of litter, it's the challenge litter has on drainage parish wide. Litter clogs the natural and determined flow of water causing flooding in areas.
It's hard for many of us to comprehend whatIt affects our health, discourages people and businesses from coming to the area and growing our communities and it hurts our reputation. Our business members care about Livingston Parish. They work and live here and they want to see the parish prosper. That's why the Chamber is going to do something about this fundamental issue.
We have the organization and structure to use big picture thinking to connect and coordinate the community to raise awareness about the issue and create a #litterfreelp.
Thanks to these partners and sponsors:

Countdown to Love Lp Fest Sign up to part of the action and solution!
You can participate in our grassroots campaigns and actions. Showing unity and collaboration sets the stage for results To be honest, we are like you, tired of seeing our communities trashed. Let's face it, the more litter people see, the more likely they are to litter too. You can be a solution. Sign on to pledge to Litter Free Lp Pledge and show your LOVE for Lp. Positive action is a start. In addition:
- You can agree to dispose of litter only in receptacles intended for litter.
- You agree to secure litter in your vehicle to keep from blowing into roadways.
- You take action and responsibility at your home, school and / or workplace by cleaning it and keeping it clean.
- You participate in our TEN on the TENTH of each month and pick up ten pieces of litter at least.
- You can participate in the parish wide clean up day in March.
- You can display your #loveLp sticker and tshirt to show your love.
- Plus more if you have the time and attention to dedicate to more.
Countdown to Love Lp Fest Sign up to part of the action and solution!
Litter Resources for Livingston Parish
Keep Louisiana Beautiful is a statewide 501C3 non profit who's mission is to  promote personal, corporate, and community responsibility for a clean and beautiful Louisiana.
At this site you can find:
- Litter Tools & Resources
- Ways to Get Involved
- Programs and Events
- Grants, News and more

Keep Livingston Beautiful is a 501C3 funded through various sources. Their mission is to teach, promote and educate litter awareness in Livingston Parish.
At this site you can find:
- Litter Resources